COYO Talks are short, powerful talks (18 – 20 minutes in length) devoted to sharing promising/best practices, programs, and ideas focusing on supporting youth in different areas throughout the Ontario.
Below are videos of COYO Talks from previous conferences. If are attending the conference and have a promising/best practice, program, or idea to share, please connect with us.
Abbey's Goal - Jennifer Nantais
Man Up: Student Leadership Toward Healthy Masculinity, Away From Sexual and Domestic Violence - Travis Wing
Telus Wise - Amanda Lee
Voluntary Intervention Program (VIP) - David Morin & Todd Visinski
Youth as Change-Makers in Sustainable Development - Kehkashan Basu
Youth Wellness Hub Ontario - Marg Cox
Safe School Ambassador Teams TCDSB - Paula Reis MSW, RSW
Healthy Relationships and Systems in a Digital World - Sarah Rogers
Hamilton's YARD Program - Gillian Momanyi and Marvin Watson
Halton Youth Justice Program - Ilana Greene and D. CST. Shawn Thomas
BURST Youth Leadership Camp - Paul Charette and Anna Maria Barsanti
A Cost Nothing Approach to Creating a Positive School Climate - Gary Crossdale
Bike Fest - Dave Lyons
Community Partnership Mental Health Resources - Sergeant Chris Palmer
Youth Crime Protection Grant - Durham Regional Police
Policing Relations Liasison - Lindsey Lobb
Feed All Four - Cheryl Rolfe, Dave Lyons, and Heather Truscott
Crime Stoppers - Detective Constable Hanna Carter